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+44 1752 710085
Welcome to RIBstore's Jumble Sale of clearance items.
We have a number of pieces of PVC fabric which is available at a discounted rate. It might be older stock (so likely to be a bit dusty/need a wipe...
Ver todos los detallesThese hypalon roll ends are NOT perfect - DO NOT ORDER if you require a perfect finish - if a perfect finish is required we recommend our normal h...
Ver todos los detallesPlastic Seam Roller - Clearance item Patches and fittings fixed with a contact adhesives should be rolled to ensure a long lasting airtight bond, ...
Ver todos los detallesSmaller than our usual mixing sticks but they will still do the job! Pack size - 50 Wooden mixing stick Approximately 114mm long and 9mm wide
Miniature brush - ideal as a cheap disposable brush for inflatable boat repairs Approx 165mm long with 12mm wide brush head Tip: Trim the b...
Ver todos los detallesClearance oars - discounted price - these are new old stock and will have one or more of the following defects: Handle partially discoloure...
Ver todos los detallesEstas piezas se fabrican bajo pedido y normalmente se envían en un plazo de 2 semanas (¡aunque a menudo más rápido!) desde la recepción de su pedid...
Ver todos los detallesCerradura de remo con bloqueo de estilo más nuevo, instalada en los botes inflables y auxiliares Bombard y Zodiac (Tipo Z60738). Gris claro/medi...
Ver todos los detallesActualmente estamos agotados de esta pieza, pero el stock vence en septiembre/octubre. Si desea reservar estos clips, realice un pedido y le enviar...
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